is a professionally developed secure Hub Office platform in the cloud where the daily operational business needs of your Startup, Small,
Medium or Large business are met.
From just one dashboard, anyone you give logins to, can see only just the Apps (business functions) you want them to see, on your fully branded platform.
You select what applications you want to run your business from
large suite of integrated business software applications.
You then enter your users into the platform just once only. You allocate users to the Apps you have selected. You can change Apps, Users and what users are
allowed to use, at any time.
Management is now in Total Control. You quickly map your business, so you make massive savings to your operations (up to 50%), by ending duplication and
unnecessary distraction to your staff. This control is not achievable from providers with only individual Apps.
It’s all online, paperless and simple to setup.
Your users can be anyone you choose, your staff, clients, customers, suppliers and professional advisors.
There is a free trial and sign on. We have recommended solutions for your business type and we have designers on line to help
with any questions you may have.
If you are an advisor or management consultant, you’ll just love this.
It’s designed to totally integrate and be Simple….. That’s what it is.. just.. Simple.
By being integrated, with the same look and feel and branded as You - it allows your staff to integrate with it that much easier. That lessens training
& induction time and aids adoption.
just ….. Simple Software